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The Linguistic Validation process has gained a lot of prominence for the global Pharma industry with the growing need to conduct trials and surveys in diverse parts of the world. Linguistically validating a document or questionnaire involves two forward translations of the document followed by harmonization and then back translation by two experienced translators to make sure the meaning is preserved in the translation.

Cognitive De-briefing is a significant part of the larger linguistic validation process. This entails contacting and explaining to a variety of people the importance of the document or survey in question. Over five people in the age group of 18 to 70 years, of varied academic qualifications from both genders, distributed over locations are considered. The document in question is given to them in their native language. After giving them time to go through the contents of the document, their feedback is solicited and recorded. This feedback is reported back individually and in a consolidated manner to the Pharma company.

Sheela has 8 years of experience doing linguistic validation and cognitive de-briefing with large Pharma companies. She is happy to conduct the entire process in India depending on the needs of the client.
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