IIT Bombay Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

IBM Research - India
IBM Research Text Mining Workshop at IIT Bombay
Introduction Topics of interest Workshop Details Participants
IIT Bombay CS Department and IBM Research - India jointly present a Text Mining workshop at IIT Bombay on 23rd September. This workshop will have Researchers from IBM interacting with faculty and students from IIT Bombay. The workshop will feature talks from the IBMers describing a variety of real-world text mining projects. These talks will focus on novel research challenges and solutions being developed for them. There will also be talks from faculty members about some of their recent research in the area. A small open session at the end is intended to foster focused discussion around open research problems.

This workshop is an avenue for informal interaction and exploring avenues for potential collaboration. A small amount of time will be spent describing the various awards and opportunities available for interaction and collaboration. These include faculty awards, sabbaticals, consultancy avenues for faculty and internships, co-opted projects, and post-doc positions for students apart from the usual employment options. The visiting IBMers would like to mingle with students and take questions regarding the above.

Topics of interest
  • Text clustering and classification
  • Natural language processing and Indian language text
  • Web mining and information extraction
  • Real world text mining systems
  • Speech to text and its challenges
  • Relational learning
Workshop Details
Date :  23rd September 2009
Venue :  SIC-301, K.R. Building, Dept. of CSE, IIT Bombay
Registration :  Attendance to this workshop is open to all and free. Only an on the spot sign-up is required.
Time :  2:00 pm to 5:30 pm followed by snacks
Schedule : 
  • 2:00 to 2:45 - IBM Research Delhi - Text mining services (Shantanu), Cross-guided clustering (Indrajit), Dialog models for conversational speech (Sachin)
  • 2:45 to 3:15 - IBM Research Bangalore - Extracting Social Networks and Biographical Facts from Conversational Speech (Nanda), Summarization of contact center conversations (Karthik)
  • 3:15 to 4:30 - IITB talks - Kernel learning (Prof. Saketha), Multilingual WSD (Prof. Pushpak), Exploiting tables on the web (Prof. Sunita), Relational learning (Prof. Ganesh)
  • 4:30 to 4:45 - Interaction and collaboration avenues
  • 4:45 onwards - Open discussion
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